

How many grams is 3 bananas?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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11y ago

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Each banana weighs approx 60g so 3 bananas will weigh around 180g.

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Q: How many grams is 3 bananas?
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What is the mass of one banana?

Individual bananas will vary somewhat.

How many bananas are in 100 grams?

it really doesnt have anything to do with how many bananas there are, it depends on how heavy/big the bananas are to show how heavy the bunch is. for example - once my dad had a Siamese banana and it was like 2 bananas but moulded together at the sides, true story totally not lying. the point is that bunch would be heavier than the bunch with no Siamese bananas in them!

In the game banana monkey how many bananas are in a bunch?

The answer is 3 bananas to a bunch.

How many bananas equal 300g?

This would depend on the size of the banana once peeled. The average banana weighs around 120 grams, so for a recipe needing 300 grams, 2-3 would be needed.

How many bananas are in one pound?

approximately 3-4 medium sized bananas or 2.5 large bananas.

If a gorilla has b bunches of bananas He acquires 3 bunches from passing tourists How many bunches of bananas does the gorilla now have?

3 + b bunches of bananas

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How many bananas do you have if There are 4 apples 3 bananas and 2 oranges on the table you take one apple and banana and all of the oranges?

2 bananas. you also have 3 apples

How Many Bananas Make 500g?

About one, it depends on the size of the banana A 25mm (1inch) slice of banana weighs about 15 grams (1/2 ounce) So a 18cm (7 inch) long banana will be 100 grams (3 1/2 ounces)

Do four bananas weigh more than 1 kilogram?

no, A bunch of bananas weigh 2lb 4 oz if bananas 0.48 a pound, 1 kilogram = 1000 grams (a thousand grams) I kilogram = 2.2046 pounds

Are bananas bad in sugar?

There is 12.23 grams of sugar per 100 grams of banana, not that bad

Do bananas contain fib?

Dietary fiber is 2.6 grams per 100 grams of banana