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This is not enumerated in The Bible. While the apostles are named and counted as 12, there are no references to how many disciples there were, although we do know they were not all men - the women were also disciples.

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Q: How many men disciples did Jesus have?
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I am sure there were many women disciples of Jesus. A disciple is someone who has been taught or trained in some way and Jesus did not restrict his teaching to men only.But there were no women among the 12 disciples. The twelve were the ones Jesus chose to be the leaders of the new Christians after He had gone. They received special training and teaching from Him to do this work.Probably He chose men because it was relevant to Jewish society at that time.

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Jesus' disciples

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Jesus has/had 12 disciples.

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We called the 12 men as disciples.

How did Jesus say all men would know his disciples?

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.John 13:35