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It depends on which level of degree one is referring to. Refer to the below for a general idea.

* Associates Degree - designed to be a two year program of study. * Bachelors Degree - designed to be a four year program of study. * Masters degree - approximately two to three years. * doctorate - Approximately four years of study. Still, much depends on the course load carried per semester, and the field of study. Also, placement tests for incoming freshman at the associates and bachelors degree levels, could add on another semester to one full academic year.

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16y ago
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15y ago

If you include vacations it will be 48 months and exculde vacations it will be 40 months approximately

LOL it's been done in 2 years. It's been done in 20 years. It completely depends on the student, the school, program and finances.

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16y ago

The bachelors degree is designed to be a four year program of study, provided the student takes the program as prescribed by the institution. However, the length of time it takes in reality is dependent on a number of factors. The course load taken each semester, repeated courses (if necessary), Basic skills testing requirements (if any), program of study, stop out students (drop and then return) etc. So, its difficult to say. If I had to say, I would say the average would be four and a half years.

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15y ago

A bachelor's degree in most areas can require between 124 to 128 college credits particular to a specific program of study. This would be based on a college or university that operates on a regular two semester academic year which is the most common. For institutions that operate on a tri-semester or quarter-semester it would be quite different. That being said, the Bachelor's degree - in most cases - is designed as a four year program of study, provided the student is full-time and follows their chosen program of study as prescribed by the college or university, and also provided the individual does not require prerequisite or developmental coursework. The minimum credit load for a full-time student is no less than 12 credits per semester. However, to complete the degree within the four years, a credit load of approximately 15 to 18 credits is recommended. For individuals who work or who have other responsibilities that would prohibit them from attending full-time, completion of the degree may take twice as long. Still, some of this time can be cut down by attending summer sessions and/or interim sessions. In addition, the bachelors and associate degrees are referred to as undergraduate degrees while the Masters and Doctorate degrees referred to as graduate degrees.

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