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The answer depends on the configuration. If, for example, the bottom layer comprises 6 rows and six columns in a square layout, then the layer above will contain 5*5 = 25 Oranges. However, if the bottom layer is in the form of 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1 oranges - with three oranges touching one another, then the layer above will contain 30 oranges.

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Q: How many oranges in total would there be in a Pyramid if the base of the Pyramid has 36 oranges and the top of the Pyramid has 1 Orange?
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If each orange has to touch three other oranges in a pyramid how many oranges should you have if you wanted to make that pyramid six layers?

27; the top layer would have two oranges at the top and would add one orange in desending layers.

If you have 8 oranges what fraction is 1 orange?

If you had 8 oranges then 1 orange would be one eighth.

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because if they were orange, they would be oranges

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Are oranges ripe when they are green?

no, they would be sour poor orange :(

Are oranges called oranges because they are orange in color or is the color orange called orange because oranges are orange in color?

The colour orange hasn't always had its own name, as it used to just be a shade of red. I would say that the colour orange was named after the fruit, as it has been around longer than the colour itself has been individual.

Where would orange juice go in the food pyramid?

With fruits .

If oranges were yellow would they be called yellows?

No. The fruit is an orange. Cute joke though. A yellow orange is just unripe; but its still an orange.

How do seedless oranges make new orange tress?

"Seedless oranges" actually aren't always completely seedless. Some of them have seeds, so you would plant those and then get your "seedless" orange tree.

Does orange juce come from cows?

Orange Juice comes from Oranges, the fruit of the Orange tree. Milk comes from cows. Are you kidding me why would orange juice come from cows??!!

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orange juice oranges energy drinks can be any fruit