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It's hard to get a number of how many people, but the cigarette consumption has gone down rapidly. In about 1960 was when it was the highest now the graph is going down at a very steady pace. :)

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I don't know what it means to "quite" smoking. Oops. Spell check.

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Q: How many people quit smoking each day?
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Related questions

Do you gain wait from stopping smoking?

Many people gain weight after they quit smoking, but it's not directly from quiting. Most people who give up smoking will eat more because of cravings.

How many people have quit smoking in the past year?

about 30% to 40% of all people who have just had at least one cigarette quit in the past year.

What is quit smoking program and how effective is?

The quit smoking program on any country aims to get people aware of smoking dangers, it is somewhat effective. However, more and more people is quitting smoking by themselves through internet articles.

What do people that quit smoking do with their money?

Whatever they want to!

How many ways are there to quit smoking?


What's the best way of stopping smoking?

There are many ways to quit smoking and for each individual, a different way could work best. There are nicotine patches, fake cigarettes, hypnotherapy and acupuncture to name but a few. There is an advice helpline for people who really want to quit and they will help you work out the best option for you.

How many people have succeded at quitting smoking?

In the past year 30-40% of people that have had at least one smoke have quit!

What is the NHS quit smoking method?

The NHS quit smoking method actually contains a variety of different techniques to help people quit smoking. Some of these techniques are nicotine patches, support packages, and MP3 music.

When did david bowie quit smoking?

He quit smoking in 2002

Why people find it hard to quit smoking?

because they are use to it

Where can one find inspirational stories of people who have stopped smoking?

The Quit website and also the Quit Smoking website both have inspirational stories of people who have managed to quit smoking. The Health Promotion Board (HPB) also have stories from ex-smokers that can encourage others to kick the habit.

How can one help another quit smoking?

One can help another quit smoking by being supportive. Not smoke oneself next to the person, which is trying to quit, avoid places, where people smoke, and attempt to distract the quitting person from smoking.