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Saturn has 31 to 62 moons. It also has four main groups of rings and three fainter groups.

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Q: How many rings and moons does Saturn have?
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What is Saturn encircled by?

Rings. Saturn has many bright rings and over 60 moons.

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Rings. Saturn has many bright rings and over 60 moons.

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saturn has 53 rings and 10 moons that are named by the way.

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Saturn has many rings it has it has of 30 moons

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Venus has moons...Saturn is the planet with the rings

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No. However there are moons within the rings of Saturn.

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The rings around Saturn are sort of pointless. They are actually moons that look like rings because there are so many. Saturn is the only planet to have rings but every planet has moons.

Are there moons in Saturns rings?

There are moons in Saturn's rings, they are called shepherd moons because they help keep the rings intact.

Do the moons of Saturn orbit Saturn on the Rings of Saturn?

ON, no. IN ... there are several moons that are embedded within the ring system.

Does Saturn have shepherd moons?

Yes. Saturn has shepherd moons which keep the rings in place.

How many moons or rings does Saturn have?

Saturn has a total of 60 moons, many of which were only discovered in the last few years - 52 of them have received official names..