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One solar panel wil generate about 5kw per day. So by simple math we can see that 25 solar panles will generate 100 kw per day. But a solar powered generator, if designed right can generate 100kw/hr's per day..

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13y ago

That depends on the voltage of each panel and the amount of amperage each panel is able to generate.

Lets use a 165W panel that is 24volts as an example.

3kva is equal to 3000va, or 3000 Watts.

3000W/165W = 18.1818 panels

In this example you would need 18+ panels, and some sunlight!


If i use 210 watts panel?

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Q: How many solar panels do you need to generate 3 kva of electricity?
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How many solar panel can generate 1 mega watt?

it depends on your solar panels, i can tell you if you know the amperage and the volts, you can find the amount of watts it produce, the equation is watts = amps x volts. hate to give you an equation as an answer

What impact does solar energy have on carbon footprint?

The environmental impact of using solar energy is negative at the start with the cost of the materials and the cost of production of the equipment. It balances out after a few years and the impact is then positive.With solar hot water, it is the cost of the tank and the evacuated tubes on your roof, and the small electric pump to circulate the water. After that initial expense the only ongoing impact is the small electric pump. The initial cost should be recovered in two or three years, depending on your local price of fuel and after that the environmental impact is positive.With solar panels that generate electricity (PV, or photovoltaic cells), the cost of the materials and the cost of production is the negative environmental impact. Again after a few years that impact is balanced out by the positive features of generating your own electricity from the sun.A:Disadvantages: - When people are producing solar panels they have leftover stuff like Silicon Tetrachloride, and they have to dispose of it, which can pollute.When creating solar panels the manufacturers have to use energy, which pollutes the air, creates heavy metal emissions, and greenhouse gases.Can't use solar energy during the nightCan't use solar energy when it is very dense and foggy outsideAdvantages:Using solar panels doesn't pollute the air.Using solar panels doesn't release carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, or mercury into the atmosphere as many traditional forms of electrical generation do.The solar panels operate silently, have no moving parts, and don't release offensive smells.Doesn't contribute to acid rain, global warming, or smog.A:It provides power for our use while not continuously using resources. This reduces the cost and effects of obtaining fuel and transporting fuel, and once in place the panels do not generate polluting material while functioning.

How do you generate electricity?

There are many ways to get electricity. Batteries are one form, outlets another. But if you want to generate your own electricity, you can use pedal or hand-powered generators, a wind turbine, or a solar panel. Most cars create electricity to power the spark plugs and run the accessories. All forms of consumer electricity are generated by moving spinning magnets past coils of copper wire in a device called an alternator. This can be driven by a steam turbine, a wind turbine, hydroelectric turbine or tidal barrage. (Solar photovoltaic cells generate DC current which must be converted to AC for input to the power grid.)

How many solar panels do you need to run your house?

please give how many lights and fans are there

Where is electricity generated?

Mostly it is generated by generators driven by steam turbines. The steam raising for this purpose can be fuelled by coal or natural gas, or nuclear reactors.The total of these methods is about 89 percent of total electricity generation.There are some large hydro schemes where the generators are driven by water flow, these account for about 7 percent. Wind power is about 0.7 percent, and other methods make up the rest. (figures for USA year 2006)

Related questions

How many solar panels to generate 25KW?

One solar panel is 250w

How many solar panels required to generate MW?

Roughly 3,500.

How many solar panels is needed to get twelve hours of 25 amps?

The answer will depend on where on earth the solar panels are located, how efficient the panels are at converting solar radiation into electricity.

How much energy do solar panels generate in a day?

There are many variables which will affect the answer, how big the panels are, how many you have and in what sort of climate they are.

Can you generate electricity from sun via satellite?

Many satellites have solar panels to generate electricity but it is not so simple to transmit that power back to Earth because the power density used might be harmful to life on Earth at the place where the beam arrives.

How many solar panels would you need to generate 100 amps?


Who makes solar panels and why?

Many business all round the world make solar panels. They are made because they produce electricity at no cost, and no pollution.

What are the benefits of residential solar panels?

Embracing residential solar panels comes with a myriad of benefits, making them an increasingly popular choice for homeowners seeking sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions. Solar panels installed on residential properties contribute to environmental conservation by harnessing the sun's energy, a clean and renewable resource, to generate electricity. This transition to solar power significantly reduces dependence on traditional grid electricity, lowering carbon footprints and mitigating the impact of climate change. One of the primary advantages of residential solar panels is the potential for substantial long-term cost savings. Homeowners can experience a significant reduction in their electricity bills as solar panels generate electricity for their household needs. Additionally, many regions offer financial incentives, tax credits, or rebates to encourage the adoption of solar energy, further enhancing the economic benefits of residential solar installations. The installation of solar panels also adds value to residential properties. Homes equipped with solar panels are often considered more attractive to environmentally conscious buyers, potentially increasing the overall market value of the property. Furthermore, residential solar panels contribute to energy independence by allowing homeowners to generate their electricity. This independence becomes particularly crucial during grid outages or emergencies, providing a reliable and resilient source of power. In summary, the benefits of residential solar panels extend beyond environmental considerations to encompass financial savings, increased property value, and enhanced energy independence. As technology advances and adoption increases, residential solar panels continue to be a key player in the transition towards a sustainable and decentralised energy landscape.

How many watts does solar make?

Solar panels can make enough watts to power your whole house if you have enough of them. Some solar panels will generate 50 watts, 80 watts or 120 watts.

How many solar panels are needed to use solar energy?

it depends on how much electricity the device your using needs

How effective are solar panels?

It all depends on the amount of solar panels you have and their photovoltaic conversion rate. Many people live straight off there solar panels and there's many others who produce more electricity then they use in a month and get paid for it from the electric company.

Where are residential solar panels found?

You can purchase these from building contractors or even some places like the home depot. Many people still have electricity, even if they have solar panels.