

Best Answer

Just one, Ambystoma mexicanum.

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Eino Rolfson

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: How many species of axolotls are there?
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Is Amphibians Only axolotls?

Ther are more animal species than axolotls that are amphibians. Frogs, toads Newts...

Are there any amphibians in Australia?

Yes there are many species of amphibians in Australia. Australia has about 230 species of native frogs, but no salamanders, newts or axolotls.

What phylum are axolotls in?

They are in the phylum "Chordata" and their species name is "Ambystoma Mexicanum"

Why don't people know about axolotls?

People don't know about it because it isn't a comon species

Are axolotls mammals?

No. Axolotls are amphibians.

Do Axolotls have Antennae?

No! Axolotls DO NOT have antennae!

Does axolotls have fur or hair?

axolotls have neither

Do axolotls have poison glands?

No. No - they are a harmless species similar to a salamander. Wikipedia has a good article on the species (see link)No, axolotls are not poisonous.

Can axolotol fish live in the same tank as other fish?

Yes, but its Likely the axolotls would eat the fish. 1. Axolotls are salamanders, not fish. 2. There are many species of fish that would do fine with an axolotyl, and others would be considered a good meal. 3. Axolotls need cold, fresh, well oxygenated water, so tropical fish would not be appropriate.

Are there axolotls in Australia?

Axolotls are not native to Australia. However, they have been imported as pets.

Were Axolotls around during dinosaur years?

Axolotls are not dinosaurs. Axolotls belong to a group of animals that's older than dinosaurs.

What axolotls colors?

Axolotls are many colors. Their normal color, or wild type, is tan-brownish or olive green. The colors of the melanoids are black. Albino axolotls can be gold with gold eyes, light pink with red eyes, or light pink with black eyes( known as leucistic)