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We can see about 6500 stars just with our eyes when the sky is dark enough.With the sky being brighter,the number decreases.

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Q: How many stars are there which are normally visible?
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How many stars is the sun visible from?

Maybe from all stars, thousands of stars, in the galaxy.

What determines how many stars are visible?

The visibility of the stars in the night sky depends on the evenings weather conditions. More clouds = less visible stars.

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How many stars are in world?

None at all, the stars are all in the sky they are mostly visible at night.

How many stars can your naked eye see?

Around 2500-5000 visible stars with the naked eye.

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yes, the stars are still visible in the original position

How many stars make up Aquarius?

There are 13 visible ones

Are there more people on the earth or stars in the sky?

There are many more people on earth than there are stars in the sky that are visible to the naked eye, even if you include all the stars that are ever visible from any spot on earth and not just the ones that you can see.However, if you include all the stars that we know about that are not visible to the naked eye, there are many more stars, by many orders of magnitude, than all the people who have ever lived on earth. It is possible that there are many more stars than the total number of human beings who will ever live at any time, past, present and future.

How many stars are visible to the naked eye in Delhi?

In Delhi only 50-60 stars are visible just because there is a lot of pollution so the sky is full of dust and also because the Ozone layer protects the Earth with Atmosphere so maximum only 50-60 stars are visible.

Why are stars visible?

They are bright

Why On a full moon day you do not see many stars why?

because it's reflection is way too bright for the other stars to be visible.