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I think it's different for every woman, but I'm pregnant and I throw up at LEAST once a day. It's not that bad anymore though. I actually look forward to it because it makes the nausea do away.

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Q: How many times does a pregnant woman vomit in the first trimester?
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Why do you vomit so many times some days but some days you feel good?

You are pregnant!!

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your sim, after tring for a baby, after about half a day, she will get the nauncious moodlet and will vomit. She will then vomit a few times fater that, and will start to have whishes to eat stuff. Then after about a day, she will fall pregnant and will have maternity leave. Hope this helped :)

Are you pregnant if you vomit foam?

No, just sick

What does it mean if your vomit is dry?

It means your pregnant

Can a girl vomit?

well she can be belimick whitch is serouse or she can also be pregnant.

Should i still be vomiting in my second trimester?

each pregnancy is diffrent, some women vomit more then others.

If you vomit what will be the colour if you get pregnant?

The color of your vomit will be determined by what you eat, and isn't influenced by pregnancy.

With morning sickness is your vomit thick liquid?

I am pregnant with my 5th, and any time I vomit when pregnant the consistency is different. It is thicker and harder to get up and out. I think your digestion is slower when you are pregnant, and this accounts for part of the problem. Definitely normal!

Can you vomit out a baby while you are pregnant?

It may feel that way, but no.

Does it mean your pregnant if your throwing up from an onion?

Pregnancy can make you more prone to vomit but most people who vomit are not pregnant. If you have any doubt then you should just take a pregnancy test.

2 weeks pregnant can feel vomit?

Yes; if you are pregnant, should start to begin feeling symptoms.

If you vomit while pregnant does it harm the baby?

No it will never harm your baby.