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Captain Ahab meets Moby Dick in Herman Melville's novel "Moby-Dick" only once. Their encounter is a critical moment in the story as Ahab seeks revenge on the white whale for taking his leg.

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14y ago

twice at first moby dick ate his leg that's why he is trying to get revenge,then he they spotted moby dick and went after him ahab was kiliing him with his harpoon but her drown and died.

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How many chapters are in the Moby Dick book?

There are 135 chapters in the book "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville.

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There are 1,946 pages with a total of 135 chapters in Moby Dick (BIG book).

How many AR points is Moby Dick?

The AR points for Moby Dick can vary depending on the specific edition and publisher. Generally, Moby Dick has around 38-40 AR points.

What was 'Moby Dick'?

"Moby Dick" is a novel written by Herman Melville, first published in 1851. The book follows the journey of Captain Ahab as he seeks revenge on the giant white whale, Moby Dick, who had previously mauled him and severed one of his legs. The novel explores themes of obsession, fate, and the destructive nature of revenge.

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"Moby Dick" by Herman Melville contains approximately 206,052 words and around 655,583 characters.

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