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Q: How many crew members are on a cargo ship?
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How many crew members were on Champlain's ship?

747 Crew members were on Champlain's ship. 476 of them died of disease or falling of the ship. His crew members were like slaves to him.

How many crew members worked on the Mayflower?

=there were 23 crew members on the ship=

How many crew members were on Francisco Pizarro's ship?

40 crew members

What travels in a ship?

Passengers, crew and cargo

How many crew members are there to fight fires on a cruiseship?

There are 40 crew members to fight fires in the cruise ship.

How many crew members did Columbus have on his ship?

18 Eighteen

Number of crew on a cargo ship?

The number of crew members depends on the number of passengers. A favorable ratio is about one crew member for every two passengers to every two and one-half passengers.

How many crew womans were at the ship titanic?

23 women crew members were onboard the Titanic

How many crew members did Pedro Cabral have on his ship?

100 peoples

How many crew members with Samuel de Champlain?

A ship of the time usually had 20-30 crew.

Who is a members of a ship's crew?


How many men went with Leif erricson?

He had a crew of 35 men.