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An extinct volcano must have not erupted in historical times (when history was first recorded). It takes many many years to distinguish an extinct volcano from a dormant one, and it is very difficult too. An example would be the Fourpeaked Mountain in Alaska, which prior to September 2006, is not believed to have erupted since earlier than 7994 BC! Mostly, it takes about 5,000 to 6,000 years for a dormant volcano to be considered extinct, except in rare cases. Another would be the hotspot theory. Whenever a volcano island moves away from the hotspot, the magma source is cut off, and the volcano is considered extinct. An example would the Hawaii Chain Islands.

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12y ago

There is no set formula for when a volcano is considered extinct. Generally a volcano that has no written record of eruption is considered extinct. However, volcanoes that have been considered extinct (and that had not erupted in tens of thousands of years) have erupted, such as Vesuvius, Pinatubo, and others. So basically, no volcano can conclusively be called extinct, and there is no length of time that marks a volcano as extinct.

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When there are no sizemick activities coming from the volcano.

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A volcano that hasn't erupted in a long time and is unlikely to erupt again?

The volcano is said to be extinct if it hasn't erupted for at least 10,000 years.

What do you call a volcano that has erupted for a long time?

Simply an "active" Volcano. If it has NOT erupted for a long time it can be a "dormant" or "extinct" Volcano.

What is a volcano that does no longer erupt called?

the name given to volcanoes that can no longer erupt is "EXTINCTED VOLCANOES" (\___/) ( o , o) (\____/) ( >#<) ( o , o ) (") (") (^^^^^ ) ( O O ) ( 7 ) ( \___/ ) Of course it could also be a "dormant" volcano playing possum. It is difficult to distinguish an extinct volcano from a dormant (inactive) one. Volcanoes are often considered to be extinct if there are no written records of its activity. Nevertheless, volcanoes may remain dormant for a long period of time. For example, Yellowstone has a repose/recharge period of around 700 ka, and Toba of around 380 ka. Vesuvius was described by Roman writers as having been covered with gardens and vineyards before its famous eruption of AD 79, which destroyed the towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii. Before its catastrophic eruption of 1991, Pinatubo was an inconspicuous volcano, unknown to most people in the surrounding areas. Two other examples are the long-dormant Soufrière Hills volcano on the island of Montserrat, thought to be extinct before activity resumed in 1995 and Fourpeaked Mountain in Alaska, which, before its September 2006 eruption, had not erupted since before 8000 BC and had long been thought to be extinct.

Can volcanoes extinct?

No. If a volcano erupts then it is not extinct; during its period of inactivity it would have been dormant. To add to this. Two examples are the long-dormant Soufrière Hills volcano on the island of Montserrat, thought to be extinct before activity resumed in 1995 and Fourpeaked Mountain in Alaska, which, before its September 2006 eruption, had not erupted since before 8000 BC and had long been thought to be extinct. I am sure the odds are the same as winning the lottery every year for life.

Olympus mons on mars is an extinct shield volcano?

yes. it is an extinct shield volcano which is the result of lava flowing out over a long period.

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What is a volcano that does not erupt called?

It can be called an active, dormant or extinct volcano. An active volcano erupts regularly and frequently, however, it might not erupt at some times. A dormant volcano rarely erupts. Therefore, it does not erupt for most of the time. An extinct volcano does not erupt anymore.

What isn the Edinburgh castle built on?

Edinburgh Castle is built high upon the basalt remains of a long extinct volcano.

What do geologists call a volcano if it never erupts again?

extinct volcano

What is a volcano that no longer erupts?

It is a dormant volcano. Or maybe an "extinct" volcano. It is difficult to distinguish an extinct volcano from a dormant (inactive) one. Volcanoes are often considered to be extinct if there are no written records of its activity. Nevertheless, volcanoes may remain dormant for a long period of time. For example, Yellowstone has a repose/recharge period of around 700 ka, and Toba of around 380 ka.[7] Vesuvius was described by Roman writers as having been covered with gardens and vineyards before its famous eruption of AD 79, which destroyed the towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii. Before its catastrophic eruption of 1991, Pinatubo was an inconspicuous volcano, unknown to most people in the surrounding areas. Two other examples are the long-dormant Soufrière Hills volcano on the island of Montserrat, thought to be extinct before activity resumed in 1995 and Fourpeaked Mountain in Alaska, which, before its September 2006 eruption, had not erupted since before 8000 BC and had long been thought to be extinct.

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100 years

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Olympus Mons, on Mars. Long extinct.