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I dont know i am in high school

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Q: How many years of college does a math professor need?
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In college how many years of math do you need to be a lawyer?

to become a lawyer how many years of college has to be completed in mexicoAlot of year.

What is professor?

A Professor is someone who gained knowledge of a particular subject area: history, English, geography, math, business, etc studying for many years at a college or university. Most professors have to have a PhD. Although some can get jobs with a Masters' Degree.

How much does a college math professor earn?

80,000 doallars a year

How much does a math professor earn?

I've seen advertises that community college professor make $50,000 and university professor can make up to $80,000.

What math courses do you need to be a math professor?

Simple and Advanced Math, Both put together it'll take four years

When Alison a college math professor leaves her job at a small rural college and starts looking for a job at a large urban university she is?

When a college math professor leaves a job at a small college and goes to a larger university they will be advancing their career. A larger university would likely pay more and offer better benefits and opportunities.

How many years of math in college do you need to take to become an architect?

The math requirements can vary, however the math can include up to calculus I, II, III, and differential equations.

How long was Isaac Newton an math professer?

he has been a professor for over about 38 years.

How much math is used to be a math teacher?

To become a teacher, not just a math teacher, you have to go to college for years.

What math classes are needed to be a design engineer?

In high school and roughly the first 3 years of college . . . as many as you can get.

How many years of math do you need to be an electrical engineer?

(4 in high school) + (4 in college) = At least 8.

Was Einstein a math or science professor?

he was a science professor.