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All depends on what size the cow is and whether she's terribly thin or overly fat. Maintenance dry matter requirements per day is 2.5% of her body weight. If she's lactating it'll be 4.5% of her body weight. If she's thin and needs to gain weight it'll be around that percentage or 3 to 3.5% of her body weight per day.

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Q: How much corn silage does 1 beef cow eat per day?
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How much beef nut to feed cow?

None. Cows eat grass, hay, silage and grain, not any sort of animal meat like "beef nut."

What is the difference between corn beef and roast beef?

Corned beef is a cow that was only fed corn.

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It would most likely eat grass or grain.

What part of the cow is corn beef?

Corned beef comes from the brisket, once the cow is slaughtered, the brisket is then removed and brine-cured.

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the trades were corn, beef, cow, and pork

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More information such as type of feed (hay, grain, silage), type of cow (dairy or beef) and period of pregnancy (first, mid or last gestation) is needed before this question can be answered.

What part of the beef is corned beef from?

Corned beef comes from the brisket, however, do not get it mixed up with corn fed beef, corned beef is brine-cured after the cow is slaughtered.

What animal does corned beef come from?

Corned beef is just beef, but there is a process to make it 'corned'. Beef comes from a cow.Since it is cornBEEF I would expect a cow

Is to much corn bad for a cow?

Yes. A 100% corn diet will cause severe bloating, acidosis and founder in cows, all of which need human intervention to be treated. Corn is not a natural diet for cows, so forage must be fed along with the grain, like hay or silage, to aid in proper digestion.

If a cow gets into a corn field how do you find out how much of the corn the cow destroyed?

It's not that easy to take account how much corn the cow ate, other than going into the corn field, finding the tracks and tracking the cow from the point where she entered the field to the point where she came out--or were forced out.

What is the feed of a Brown Swiss cow?

They eat hay (alfalfa, timothy etc) TMR (total mixed ration of soy beans, hay, silage etc), grain, corn etc.

What part of a cow does corned beef come from?

Corned beef is form the brisket of the cow which is the lower stomach it is usually made in Germany. Where it is made will depend on your location. The U.S. will not import beef from Europe. The U.S. has it's own corned beef processors.