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My great grandfather brought his family of 7 ,his wife and 5 kids age 1mo. to 7 to the usa in that time ,the voyage took 33 days ,they brought their food and water,the cost per child was approx.35 cents .he sold his 3 acre farm ,cattle,and all his clothes except the "Dungarees "he wore ,and he still had to borrow to make the voyage ,all survived the journey,even though the Death Rate on famine ships was 50%

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19y ago
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my great grandfather and his family made that voyage at that time and it took 33 days

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12y ago

In 1857, a ferry or boat ticket from Ireland to America costs about $30-40. If you take into account inflation over the years, the amount in present dollars will be more than $1000!

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Q: What was the cost to travel by ship from Ireland to the United states in 1850?
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