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Not sure what you are asking, but if it is a heating device that requires 1 kW of electricity and it is on for 1 hr. then the cost is about 12 cents on the average across USA.


A 1-kW heater (generally termed 'an electric fire' in the UK), operating for one hour, uses 1 kW.h, or one 'unit', of energy. You will need to check with your electricity supply company how much they charge per kilowatt hour, and work it out from there.

Another AnswerElectricity is billed by how much power you use for how long. The power is measured in Watts and the length of time is an hour. A device that draws 1000 watts or one kilowatt (kW) of power costs the same as another device that uses 100 watts of power for 10 hours or one watt for 1000 hours.

In Los Angeles, we have a tiered power bill.

The first tier costs $0.0702 per hour for the first 1000 kWh

The second tier costs $0.0852 per hour for the next2000 kWh and

the third tier costs $0.120 per hour for the remainder of the power you use.

If you used 3371 kWh of power in a two month billing period, then...

Tier 1 would cost: 1000 kWh x $0.0702 = $ 70.20

Tier 2 would cost: 2000 kWh x $0.0852 = $170.40

Tier 3 would cost: 471 kWh x $0.1200 = $ 56.52

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $297.12

So, if you run that 1kW fire for one hour you'll pay $0.07 - if you keep your usage low and stay in the first tier. If you max out the first two tiers, that fire could cost $0.81 to run for one hour.

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