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The normal urine output for an average adult is 800 to 2000 ml/day; this is assuming intake of around 2 liters.

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14y ago

it would be 2-3 times a day depending on how mush carbohydrates you have

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13y ago

It depends on the person.

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Q: How often does a person urinate in a day?
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How often should a normal healthy person urinate --- pee--- in a day?

You should take in atleast 2000-2500 ml of water a day to maintain healthy fluid balance in the body. You normally urinate about 1500 ml of that.

How often should a person urinate in a date?

1-3 depending on how much they have to drink.

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If you urinate every 2 hours, you urinate 12 times in a day. 24 hrs in a day / 2 hrs = 12 urinations in a day. You may have a bladder infection. lol

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When people die, they often expel their bodily fluids. It would not be uncommon for a deceased person to drool, urinate, or defecate.

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It was Adam, he was the first person on Earth!

How often should children urinate?

Usually about once a day or once every other day. It is very natural for any human (male or female) to urinate at least once per day. It is also normal for a human to only urinate within a few days. That usually only indicates that the person does not have enough fluids in them, which is not a totally bad thing.

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The kits (babies) still urinate but they are small animals and don't go often. My Flemish Giant didn't urinate a lot when he was a kit but since he's grown he goes more often.

How many times a day does a typical person go to the bathroom?

About three times a day, Your Welcome. How often a person uses the bathroom varies. Passing 3 stools a week to 3 stools a day is considered normal in Western societies, for Eastern societies the amount is even larger. And as for urination, most people urinate a few times a day, because it is not healthy to hold in urine for long periods of time.

Why do we urinate after drinking caffeine?

The liver is breaking it down so quickly that its trying to get it out of your body causing you to have to urinate often.

Does consuming virgin coconut oil make a person urinate often?

I've only been taking it a couple days, but it sure seems like it to me.

Why does a rat urinate on a person?

This is how they show affection!

What does the void mean?

In medication terminology, it often means "urinate."