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.5 pounds

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Q: How much lean weight the average person in the US loses each year starting at the age 25?
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Does a dieting person more accurately lose mass or lose weight?

A dieting person loses weight.

The average person loses how many cal?

In a typical day, the average person burns 700 to 1,000 calories naturally.

Is constant weight loss good?

If a person loses weight constantly, that person will eventually be underweight, and will eventually die of starvation (like Karen Carpenter, RIP). There is such a thing as a correct, or healthy weight.

If a person loses too much body weight and has a distorted body image they may have what?


When a person loses weight fat cells decrease in size but the number of cells remain the same?


If a fat person gets a tattoo and then loses weight will it be distorted when their skinny?

it wouldn't look as good as it was b-4

Does weight loses at height?


What are the benefits of losing weight?

There are several positive outcomes to losing weight. A person will have an increase in energy. Even a small weight loss of five to ten pounds can lower a person's blood pressure and it reduces the risk of diabetes. A person who loses weight is less likely to suffer from aches or pain, and it can even help the person sleep better.

How many hairs fall out per day women?

The average person loses 50-100 hairs in a day.

If a person uses surgery to lose weight, does that mean that they are more likely to regain the weight than a person that loses weight by changing their diet and exercise?

Whether a person regains weight lost through surgery depends on a number of factors, but if there is no significant change in diet and exercise habits then, yes, over time the person is much more likely to regain the weight they had lost.

When a man loses weight does his penis get smaller?

It won't happen, unless the person used steroids in the process, the best way to lose weight and avoid shrinking is physical exercise.

What happen when sound loses weight or gains weight?

Sound doesn't have any weight