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Depending on the Skills of the Job a longshoreman can make around $26 to $33 an hour.

As of July, 2008 the base hourly day-side rate for longshoremen on the West coast is between $31.18 and $36.98. Though that's the base salary, many jobs pay 10 hours per shift and often times when it's busy you can pick up extra work. Many longies that hustle can do about $150k per year. Foreman and clerks make much more than that however.

*** You can go to to get a national average***

When they work, casuals make $18.50 to $21.50 an hour. But the goal for most is union membership, with earnings of $60,000 to $100,000 a year, plus a full package of medical and pension benefits.

-Longshoreman with straight dope-

West coast longshoremen in Canada earn $36 for day shift, $46 for afternoons and $58 for graveyards. Both day and afternoon shifts are eight hours and graveyard is 6.5 hours. Rated jobs, as in anything that is not labor, for the most part earn the operator an additional hour at time and a half.

It is a casual work environment. Longshoreman can work anywhere from zero to seven days a week if the work is there. Busy ports will often see everyone working a lot, slower ports... Well, not so much.

I've talked to a few guys from the port of Long Beach in California and I am working under the assumption that longshoremen on both sides of the border are making the same rates of pay, but I could be wrong. Since contracts are negotiated with the Pacific Maritime Association, I'm going to assume that any port that is a member of that body will pay those rates, though.

I've calculated a five day week on afternoon and graveyard shift earning me about $108,000 per year for a typical 40 hour work week. That doesn't include holiday pay, paid holidays or things like extensions which would boost your overall earnings over your base wages.

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In the United States, the average annual income for a dock worker is $23,000. The average annual income for a dock worker in Massachusetts is $28,000.

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