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Depends on how you think it is worth plus car damage. I would ask $980, but that is me.

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Q: How much money should you get for a huge scar from car accident and broken wrist?
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How does your wrist get broken in a car accident?

Most often the reason for a broken wrist or even both wrists to be broken in a car accident is because the natural reaction is to "brace!" A passenger puts both hands against the dashboard, then the impact forces the wrists into a hyper-extended position, which can break the small hand bones and break the wrist bones.

What is the average insurance settlement for a broken wrist and broken rib?

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Yes it can. Sometimes this is referred to as traumatic carpal tunnel syndrome. Usually it is from a fall or car accident where the wrist is severly injured or the wrist is broken which can put pressure on the median nerve.

Is it possible to die from a broken wrist?

It is not possible to die from a broken wrist although Scaphoid wrist fracture may kill your wrist bone due to lack of blood supply.

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8-10 weeks

When did Michael Phelps brake his wrist?

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You broke your wrist 8 mos ago now you want to scream in pain what do you do?

You should not be in pain 8 months after a broken wrist; something is wrong. What to do is see your doctor ASAP.

What has Louis Tomlinson broken twice?

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Can i take a driving test with a broken wrist?


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How do you prevent a broken wrist?

Just don't get one! Don't trip and hit your wrist!