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The diameter of atoms ranges from 62 pm (He) to 520 pm (Cs), the diameter of a speck of dust ranges from 0.001 µm to 300 µm depending on the type of dust and its origin.

This is on the order of 1 million times smaller on average. Exact range is as little as 2 times smaller to as much as 4.84 million times smaller considering both extremes. (cesium atoms, the largest atoms; are about half the size of the smallest possible dust speck)

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Lincoln Wolf

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2y ago
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10y ago

The diameter of atoms ranges from 62 pm (He) to 520 pm (Cs), the diameter of a speck of dust ranges from 0.001 µm to 300 µm depending on the type of dust and its origin.

This is on the order of 1 million times smaller on average. Exact range is as little as 2 times smaller to as much as 4.84 million times smaller considering both extremes. (cesium atoms, the largest atoms; are about half the size of the smallest possible dust speck)

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13y ago

The atom is the fundamental building block of all stuff, or what scientists like to call "matter". An individual atom is very small. In fact, the smallest type of atom, hydrogen, has a diameter of 10-8 cm. This means that if the hydrogen atom was the size of a soccer ball, then a soccer ball would be 6450 kilometers (4008 miles) high. Every single object is composed of atoms. Your body is made up of many, many individual atoms. There are also many different types of atoms. In fact, there are over a 100. These different types are called elements. Examples of some elements are hydrogen, oxygen, iron, copper, and helium. Under normal conditions many atoms can stick together to form larger, different stuff. Scientists call material that results from the joining of different types of atoms "compounds". An example of a compound is water, which is a group of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

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13y ago

If you're talking size, atoms are around 10^-10 metres (one tenth of a nanometre) across, but electrons are at most 10^-18 metres (one attometre) across - at least one hundred milliontimes smaller!

Note that this is a maximum size we've gathered from experiments. Nobody knows how small an electron is for sure, so it's probably much smaller than that!

If you're talking mass, then an electron is around 1/1836 times lighter than the lightest atom, hydrogen, and much lighter than most, heavier atoms. Electrons are so light compared to the rest of the atom, that if you removed all the electrons from your body while standing on a scale, you wouldn't notice the scale dial move. (However, electrons hold the atoms together, so that's not a good idea!)

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7y ago

Atoms vary in size, so let's go with carbon, which is a very common element.

A carbon atom is 340 picometers across, or 340 billionths of a millimeter. By comparison a dime is about 18 millimeters across and 1.35 millimeters thick. This means that, by diameter, a dime is about 53 million times larger than a carbon atom. Even the thickness of a dime is about 4 million times the diameter of a carbon atom.

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9y ago

The diameter of atoms ranges from 62 pm (He) to 520 pm (Cs), the diameter of a speck of dust ranges from 0.001 µm to 300 µm depending on the type of dust and its origin.

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12y ago

Depends on the elements you are using. Lets say if it was the materials of a dime, then its about 2*10^22 atoms

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14y ago

ten thousand times

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