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Zero. It's too cold and dry in the Antarctic interior to snow.

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9y ago

The interior of Antarctica is too cold to snow. The minuscule amounts of snow that sometimes falls in Antarctica generally falls in the warmer areas, such as the Antarctic Peninsula.

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Q: How much snow does the interior get every day in antarctica?
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How deep is the snow every year in Antarctica?

There is no snow to speak of in Antarctica: there's not enough humidity to produce snow. Blizzards are made up of blowing ice crystals.

What is the interior of Antarctica?

Some call the interior of Antarctica the Polar Plateau. It is also the driest area of the continent -- humidity less than five percent, and is thus a desert.

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The only desert with snow in the summer is Antarctica.

Which gets more snow a year alaska or Antarctica?

Most of Alaska gets much more snow than most of Antarctica.

How much of Antarctica is full with snow?

None. Antarctica is covered -- 98% -- by an ice sheet.

What are know to be impressive sights in Antarctica?

Uh, Snow? Ice? There's not much in Antarctica.

What percent of snow is in the Antarctic?

All of the snow in Antarctica -- is snow in Antarctica.

Does it snow a lot in antarctica compared to other countries?

The high interior of Antarctica receives only 50 mm (2 inches) per year, but the whole continent averages 166 mm (6.5 inches) per year. Nowhere in Antarctica does it get 7 metres (20 feet) of snow.

Does Antarctica snow?

Yes, though very little in the interior due to the extreme cold and resultant inability of the air to hold moisture.

How much snow does the interior get a year?

it gets 1049mm a year

What are the different types of snow in antarctica?

The frozen water in Antarctica is ice, not snow.

Why is snow pink in antarctica?

The pink you see in Antarctica is a refraction of the available light. There is no natural 'pink snow' in Antarctica.