

How much soft drink is harmful?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It depends. Sugary soft drinks can make you feel sick if you drink more than three bottles. Carbonated water shouldn't be as bad at all. Although you might get a gas bubble.

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Soft Drinks is harmful because it contains Carbonic Acid

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Read the label for Phosphoric acid, but in any case, soft drinks don't affect teeth that much if you just rinse out with water after you drink the soft drink.

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Mercury. Very much so. But you have to drink it for it to be so.

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What type of soft drink can destroy your tooth enamel?

Pretty much all soft drinks that are brown, or if they have phosphoric acid in the soft drink. It can crack your teeth, and give you cavities. So be wise next time you pick some thing to drink ! -Thanks :)