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That will vary from particle to particle.

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Q: How much space do solid particles take up?
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How are solid particles and liquid particles alike?

they all take up space and all have matter, mass, and weight

As energy is put into a solid the temperature rises what effect does this have on the indivisual particles in solid?

The particles expand or take some space im a gr 7 student and u just got pwned

Does solid take us space?

Yes. A solid occupies space. All matter occupies space.

Why do gasses take up so much space?

because they need room for the particles to move around

Do solids take up space?

A solid does take up space. Although it doesn't take up as much mass if it were to be a liquid or a gas.For example ice doesn't take up as much space as water or water vapor 123456789

What is in everything that takes up space?

Bosons, for example light particles (photons), don't take up space. Bosons and fermions are the two different classes of fundamental particles. Fermions take up space. Now particles with mass don't always take up space, for example the force carrier particles of the weak nuclear force, they are bosons and therefore take up no space but they are quite massive (for particles).

How does the energy of the particles differ in solids liquids gases?

The energy of the particles differ because in solids the particles vibrate in a fixed position and remain close.Giving a solid definite shape and volume.While the particles of liquid are moving faster,letting them have enough energy to slide past one and another.This allows liquid to take a shape of it's container. The particles of a gas move so quickly that they have enough energy to move freely away from other particles.These particles take up as much space as possible and spread out to fit any container.

The energy of particles is different for each state of matter?

The energy of the particles differ because in solids the particles vibrate in a fixed position and remain close.Giving a solid definite shape and volume.While the particles of liquid are moving faster,letting them have enough energy to slide past one and another.This allows liquid to take a shape of it's container. The particles of a gas move so quickly that they have enough energy to move freely away from other particles.These particles take up as much space as possible and spread out to fit any container.

Particles that have space between them take the shape of the contanier?

These are called fluids

Why is a solid a solid?

Solids have fixed shapes because the bonds in the particles it is made from are held tightly together, meaning they are harder to break. It is unlike a liquid, which take the form of it's container; and unlike a gas, who's particles bounce around until they hit a surface which they bounce back from. The only way to change the shape of a solid is to either break it, or maybe melt it down to the shape you want.

A solid always take up the same amount of this?


What does a solid always take up the same amount of?
