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One wind turbine consumes about 20 square meters of land at its base. There are sometimes gravel roads that lead to them from the nearest road, usually 2-3 meters wide and 10-50 meters long, to allow maintenance trucks to get to them. Calling it 120 square meters per wind turbine of actual land taken out of use isn't far off.

That's about a tenth of a hectare or a quarter of an acre. The rest of the land is still useful for whatever it was being used for before, whether that was farming, hiking, growing weeds, snowmobiling, grouse hunting or just sitting there unused.

As a wind turbine will generally bring in a lease value of $5000 - $8000 per year to the owner of the land, and as that is higher than most crops will yield per acre per year, it's an excellent additional revenue stream, especially for the multi-revenue stream, small-business owners we call farmers.

As wind turbines are spaced 6-10 blade diameters apart, a gigawatt of power generation would be spread over about about 518 square kilometres, or about 200 square miles. It would take up about 0.01% of that land. If it were all compressed together, it would be about the size of a nuclear plant.

There's a US land use requirements reference at the link referenced.

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Where would a wind turbine be found?

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How much room does a wind turbine take up?

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How much wind can one wind turbine generate in one year?

A wind turbine is not designed to generate wind, it uses wind and generates electricity.

How much does it cost to maintain a wind turbine?

The cost to maintain a wind turbine is estimated to be about 2% of the original investment per year. The cost of a wind turbine is $50,000.

How much space would a land or homeowner need to operate wind turbine generators?

The most important thing to know about is your local laws. They will determine how much space they require for a wind turbine. However, half an acre of land is sufficinet if you are allowed to have one. It depends on how much power you want to generate, and if your land has sufficient wind (winds that are at least 10mph and sustained). Power generated is related to turbine size and spacing requirements. I'll assume you want a single residential sized wind turbine with about a 30 ft blade and a 120 foot height. That would need about 250 square feet of clear space.

What two energy transfers take place when a wind turbine is working?

the wind moves the wind turbine so that kinetic then it is turned into electricity.

How much is a wind turbine?

5.2 billion

How much wind does a wind turbine produce in a day?

depends on if it works

How much power does a wind turbine create?

The Power Generated by a Wind Turbine entirely depends on the capacity of the turbine which is installed.. there are turbines ranging from 1 watt to 10 MW that can be installed in a wind farm The installation of the turbine depends on the Wind Potential of the area.

How much does a household wind turbine cost?

Well recently i have been surfing internet for wind turbine, well a house hold horizontal wind turbine would cost around 1300pounds while the vertical ones are much cheaper.

How much does it cost to take down a wind farm?

Depends on county and the KW of turbine. any were from $5000 $500,000

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