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It depends on how many hermit crabs you are getting. It needs enough space for a food and water bowl, a small toy, and atleast five feet of free crawl space. You also need two or three shells for when it gets bigger as it ages and grows.

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15y ago

it needs to have a sea shell bigger than it's body, when it won't fit anymore, hermit crabs will move away to find another, bigger one

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14y ago

4-5 times your biggest crab.

Love, Hermit crab lover 101

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Q: How much sand does a hermit crab need?
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Does a hermit crab have to live in sand?

of course it needs sand

What if you bought a hermit crab and it was on sand is it land or sea hermit crab?

Most likely a land hermit crab, but you should always check with the person that sold it to you.

Can you put a hermit crab in lizard sand?


Is moon sand to toxic for hermit crabs?

Yes because moon sand has many chemicles in it that are not yet introuduced to the crab. Something may happen to the hermit crab so it would be safe not to put the hermit crab in the moon sand, since scientist have not experimented it and found out for sure.

Is it OK if the sand in a hermit crab's tank is wet?


Can you put aquarium gravel in a hermit crab cage?

No. Hermit Crabs need a substrate that will allow them to bury themselves. They cannot bury themselves in gravel. I suggest sand, but it can get messy and attract sand fleas. A ggod idea is to look for substrates out here that are "hermit crab friendly". There are several and a great brand is "T-Rex" or "" since most reptile supply companies also make products for Hermit Crabs because they need similar habitats.

How much sand do you put in the bottom of your hermit crab cage?

The depth of substrate in a hermit crab habitat should be deep enough that it covers your largest crab at least by 3x. It should be made using about 5 parts playsand and 1 part coconut fiber, moistened to a sand-castle making consistency.

Can you wash dirty hermit crab sand?

I dont think so but you can always buy new sand.

What is hermit crab's habitat as pet?

Sand, or fine gravel on the bottom of an aquarium, or a screen cage is ideal. You need to keep the cage temperature at least at 72 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity level is best a 70%. The habitat for you hermit crab should have a moist warm feel, this will keep the gills of the hermit crab in check. Keep a spray bottle of fresh water handy and periodically spray your hermit crab habitat with it.

How Much Bedding Goes In A Hermit Crab Cage?

Usually they need about 3 inches depending on your hermit's size. When molting, they need to completely cover themselves. I use something called cocofiber. I got it when i bought my crabs. They also love sand, i usually mixed it, sand on half, coconut on other, they love both sides!

Can a hermit crab live in moon sand?

probably not. but, you can always use your hermit crab as a guinnea pig for the rest of civilization wondering the same thing, then report back to us!

What would happen if a hermit crab dug a hole in the sand and went in it?

Nothing really. It is probably molting or just trying to get some shade. Look up " What should you do when your hermit crab is molting? " for what to do when your hermit crab is molting. Or just type in " molting " to know what molting is.