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Q: How much space would all the air sacs in the lungs of an adult cover?
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About how much space would all the airsacks in the lungs of an adult cover?

Spread out flat, all the air sacs in the lungs of an adult would cover an bubbles or sacs called aleoli. Spread out flat, all the air sacs in the lungs of an adult would cover an area about the third of a tennis court. here are some extra facts. source is at bottom. Factoids • Your lungs contain almost 1500 miles of airways and over 300 million alveoli. • Every minute you breathe in 13 pints of air. • Plants are our partners in breathing. We breathe in air, use the oxygen in it, and release carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Thank goodness! here is the link: hope this was helpful shane

How many surface area do your lungs take up?

If you unfolded all the folds and branches in your lungs, the area it would cover would equal about one half of a tennis court.

What does a space suit do to help astronauts?

If you were to walk out into outer-space without a space-suit, you would probably die. Because the pressure inside your body is much higher than the vacuum of space, the gas particle in your lungs would rush out to fill the empty space, this would mean the air in your lungs would rush out, taking your lungs with them which would mean you would expand and your lungs would soon penetrate through your ribs and skin. This would almost certainly kill you. Another reason you would die is that the liquid particles of your blood would also try to fill the space inside the vacuum which would cause your blood to boil, and the minute that started to happen, you would have no chance of living. This is why you need a space-suit. A space suit modifies the temperature to keep you warm, keeps you in an air-tight, pressurised state (so your body wouldn't try to fill the empty space around it, because the air around it was pressurised), gets rid of waste and protects you from any sun damage that could be caused. Space suits are vital for survival in outer space!

Would the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide improve if the pleural space lost its negative pressure?

Pnemothorax would occur, the -ve pressure in te plural space helps the lungs stick to the rib cage, preventing the rib cage recoiling out and the lungs recoiling in. If it is breached barrell chest is observed and the lungs 'deflate', therefore exchange would not occur more efficiently. If both lungs collapse you can die.

What would happen if a live human was exposed to outer space?

You would have around 10 second of consciousness The gasses in your lungs/intestine would expand. Your lungs would explode. You would be seen trying to scream, but nothing can be heard. After your lungs had exploded, you would pass out. Death would soon follow.

How much space would a million pennies cover?

a million of inches

How big would you guess each of your lungs are as big as a basketball golf ball football or baseball?

I'd say lungs in a normal adult are about the size of a small football (shape too).

How much pressure is on your lungs in outer space?

well lets just say that if went down to the bottom of the ocean you would be crushed but in outer space it would take half the time

Why would lungs collapse if you made a hole through the skin and muscle into thoracic activity?

The lungs has a negative pressure. When air enters that space, it fills in the lung cavity making the lungs unable to expand and collapse.

If you spread out the human brain how many square feet would it be?

If you spread out the human brain it would cover about 4 square feet for a baby. It would cover slightly more than this for an adult.

If you took 1 million steps about how far would you walk?

The average stride pattern for an adult is 2.25ft, so in all you would cover 2,250,000 ft. There are 5280 feet in a mile, therefore on average an adult will cover 426.1 miles in a million steps.

How much area would your lungs cover if opened up?

________________________________________________________________ that depends on the size of the lung, as it is a little different in each person