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Enough to lift a small rocket 5-600 feet.

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Q: How much thrust does a half A model rocket engine produce?
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What does the thrust of a model rocket depend on?

The size of the engine you put in it.

How many engines can a rocket hold?

A model rocket usually only holds one engine. The size of the engine and the amount of thrust that you get from varies. Becoming apart of a model rocket organization can help you determine the right engine for your rocket.

What four forces is a model rocket subject to during a flight?

Lift, drag, thrust, and gravity.

What does a model rocket use to over come weight?

Thrust (due to solid or liquid fuel burning)

What is a C6-3 engine?

It is a model rocket engine that has medium strength.

What causes the thrust to change in a solid model rocket?

Fuel core grain. The core is either an end burner (low thrust), core burner (high thrust), or a partial core burner (high thrust initially then low thrust as it transitions to end burning).

What fuel is in a model rocket engine?

Solid fuel

What thrust does a 190 gram model rocket need in order to have a vertical acceleration of 11.0 meters per second squared on earth?

F = m Am = 0.19A = 11F = (0.19) x (11) = 2.09 newtons upwardBut there is another force on the rocket = (m g) = (0.19) x (9.8) = 1.862 newtons downward.The engine also has to cancel this force.Total engine thrust required = (2.09 + 1.862) = 3.952 newtons.

What is a engine block ring do in a model rocket?

A block ring holds the engine firmly in the rocket tube. If not for this, the engine would go up the tube and the rocket would go on fire.

How do you build a model rocket with out an engine block?

You can't, - it must have an engine block.

What type of engine does a model rocket use?

Most hobby rockets engines are constructed of wood, plastic or paper, many different kinds of accelerates can be used.Please see related links below. There is gunpowder in the engine

When did the rocket get invented?

The Oldsmobile V-8 rocket engine was introduced in the 1949 model year.