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Q: How much thrust does it take to launch a rocket?
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What does the rocket takeoff from?

Your question is very broad. One of the things a rocket takes off from is called a launch pad. Launch pads are the place where rockets take off. But the things that cause it to take off are completely different. A rocket takes off or 'launches' from a concept called thrust. Thrust is when say I have a ten pound ball that I want to throw directly up in the air. I need to create 10 pounds of energy to launch it and then enough energy to actually get it to where I want to go. Those are the basic things that make a rocket launch.

What generates thrust that helps a rocket take off?

burning fuel (rocket propellant)

Why does a rocket need a large thrust on take off from the earth?

The rocket has to overcome the pull of gravity.

How much energy does it take to launch a rocket to the moon?

y wont this site actuly anser questions?

What does it take to launch a rocket?

Money, tons of money.

What would happen if the thrust of the rocket at take-off was not enough to put the rocket in orbit around the earth?

it would not take off

How much thrust does it take to take off from earth into space?

Any amount of thrust that's greater than the weight of the rocket vehicle will lift it off of the ground and accelerate it upward. If you keep it up long enough, the vehicle will be in space.

What is thrust capacity?

Thrust Capacity is how much thrust it can take :D

Can scientist who want to put a satellite into a polar orbit take advantage of earths rotation to give the rocket a boost?

The closer to the equator one builds launch facilities, the lower the thrust required to boost a rocket into orbit. If you stand in the center of a merry-go-round, you feel much less centripetal force than you feel on the edge, when it is spinning at the same rate.

What would happen if the thrust of the rocket at take off was not enough to put the rocket in orbit around the earth?

It would crash like NASA's Titan rocket did.

How do you get the rocket on ascension to launch?

You have to launch all the landers and it will refuel and then at the spot where you turn on the power theres a button click it. The rocket will take off. (if you have a ray gun you can shoot it down)

How does a spacecraft launch from earth?

the fuel needed is huge but you need to take in the power and the amount of thrust