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Q: How much time after consuming alcohol would it take to register on a breathalyzer test?
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Any substance containing alcohol can effect a breathalyzer test, including burping after consuming alcoholic beverages. Once consumed alcohol is absorbed by the body and introduced into the blood stream. A breathalyzer measures the amount of alcohol vapor that is in the lower lungs. If you were to take a breathalyzer within minutes of having any type of alcohol in your mouth, you would register high due to the vapor still present in your mouth. That is why an operator has you wait 20 minutes for the vapor to dissapate from your mouth. Any substance containing alcohol would register in after consumption, including medicines containing alcohol.

Would using anbesol on a toothache register anything on a breathalyzer since it is 70 percent alcohol?


Can antifreeze affect a breathalyzer?

Anti-Freeze is alcohol, so yes it would affect a breathalyzer if it probably hadn't already made you blind or killed you.

What percentage of alcohol in the body's blood determines intoxication if given a Breathalyzer test?

BAC is a direct measurement of alcohol in the bloodstream. So a .08 would indicate .08% of the blood has alcohol in it.

What happens if breathalyzer detects alcohol under probation?

If you were driving and the breathalyzer detects alcohol, then this would be considered a breach of your probation in most states in the US and provinces in Canada. You would be arrested and sent to jail, and your probation officer contacted.Added: If one of the conditions of your probation specifies NO alcohol, you don't even need to be found driving. Just drinking it is sufficient for a VOP.

How long would it take for one can of odouls to not show up on a breathalyzer do to the minimum amount of alcohol?

Theoretically, the amount of alcohol in a non-alcoholic beer (actually such beers must contain less than one-half of one percent alcohol) should be metabolized in fewer than ten minutes. Therefore, the consumer's breath should register for no alcohol on an alcohol breath test after that period of time has elapsed.

Will you pass a breathalyzer if an alcohol soaked tampon is inserted into your butt?

No, having a tampon inserted anally won't magically stop the breathalyzer from working.A tampon soaked with alcohol has no place in your anus, in fact tampons shouldn't go in your anus full-stop. Obviously putting a tampon up there is a waste of a tampon and a waste of the alcohol.

What would breathalyzer result be by chewing spearmint gum?

Most of the time it would not make any difference. Breathalyzers measure the amount of alcohol exchanged from your blood and exhaled from your lungs.

If alcohol in mouthwash can make you fail a breathalizer or what about a inhailor from asthma?

Alcohol in mouthwash may cause you to fail a breathalyzer test because the residual alcohol remains in your mouth for up to 15 minutes after using. The breathalyzer will pick up this residual alcohol in your breath and not differentiate whether it came from mouthwash or beverages. You should never take a breathalyzer test within 15 minutes of taking mouthwash or an alcoholic beverage in order to let the residual mouth alcohol dissipate.Mouthwash can cause a positive result on an ETG test. Whether or not an asthma medication could do the same thing would depend on whether it contained alcohol, how often it was used, and when the test was give.

Can a breath test detect alcohol that is absorbed through the skin?

Absorption through the skin is extremely limited, although it could add to the blood alcohol content. It would still be detected by the Breathalyzer because it measures alcohol leaving the bloodstream in the lungs.

How much time after consuming alcohol would it take to show on a breathalyzer test?

A breathalyser detects the presence of alcohol in the blood. Alcohol gets into the blood when you drink it. The body processes alcohol at a fixed rate (1 unit, that is 10 ml of pure alcohol, an hour). Therefore if you have consumed 6 units, the breathalyser would still detect the presence of alcohol after 5 hours. If you had just consumed 4 units the breathalyser would not detect alcohol after 5 hours.

Can drinking a can of root beer throw off a car breathalyzer?

The breathalyzer is a simple roadside test the Police use to detect alcohol on the breath, root beer is made in two forms, alcoholic and non alcoholic, the breathalyzer would only detect the alcoholic form, and only 'throw off' if you have drank enough to impair your ability to drive a motor vehicle, one small can would not normally impair your ability to drive.