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most of the time

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Q: How much time do sloths spend in trees?
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Where do koalas spend their time?

on eucalyptus trees

Which frogs live on trees?

No type of frog is in the trees all the time, but tree frogs spend a lot of time in the trees.

Why do sloths claws so long?

so they can cling to the trees

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climbing trees

Where does a sloth spend most of its time?

In the trees - sleeping or eating

Why are orangutans considered to be arboreal?

Because they spend a lot of time in trees.

Where do sloth spend most of its time?

Sloths spend nearly all of their time in the tree canopy. They only leave to "go to the bathroom" once every ten days or so. They live in the canopy because it is safer from predators and that is where their foods are found.

How do koalas spend their days and nights?

Since koalas do sleep for around 22 hours a day, they spend most of their time sleeping.

Why does it spend so much time in its mothers pouch?

why does it spend so much time in its mother pouch

What do koalas do must of the time besides sleep?

They spend a lot of time eating the leaves of Eucalyptus trees

What is a tree kangaroo?

Because they spend much of their time in trees, tree kangaroos are camouflaged by the leaves of the trees which tend to hide them from sight. Although the natural colouring of some species of tree kangaroo is quite bright, it is surprisingly inconspicuous amongst the trees.

What has a dark brown long shaggy coat and moves slow and can not climb trees?

Based on the description provided, it sounds like you're referring to a Sloth. Sloths are mammals native to Central and South America known for their slow movement and shaggy, often dark brown coats. They spend most of their time hanging upside down in trees, but they are not adept climbers and move slowly both on the ground and in trees.