

How much time does mercury takes to complete a revolution?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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About 88 days

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Q: How much time does mercury takes to complete a revolution?
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How much time does mercury take to complete 1 spin?

it takes 59 days.

How much does it take to complete 1 revolution of planet Saturn?

It takes about 29 years.

Neptune takes how much time to complete one revolution around sun?

60,127 days

How long does it take mercury to spin?

It takes Mercury much longer than planet Earth to make a complete spin on its axis. Mercury rotates once every 1407 hours or 58 days.

How much time dose Saturn take to complete one revolution?

it takes 10.6hrs. Thats very rapid.Earth takes about 24hrs.Its still an approximate anwer(for both Saturn and Earth).

Which is the slowest revolution around the sun?

Neptune. It is much farther away from the Sun than any other planet and takes about 165 Earth years to complete a full orbit.

How much time does it takes for the Earth to complete one revoluton?

It takes 1 year.

Does Mercury orbits the sun more quickly or slower than earth?

Mercury, named after the Roman god that had wings on his feet, orbits the sun much faster than Earth. Mercury takes 88 days and Earth takes 365.25 days.

How much time does Mars take to complete one revolution?

24hours and 37 minutes

Why the Mercury does have 88 days only compare to planet earth with 365 days?

Because Mercury orbits the Sun much faster than Earth. It takes Earth 365 days to orbit the sun once, but it only takes Mercury 88 days.

How much time does Mercury takes to orbit the sun?

It is approx 88 days.

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It takes 24 hours for one complete cycle.