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A nuclear missile does not have that much weight, maybe only a few hundred pounds with not all of that being Uranium.

The force or energy of the bomb's explosion is measured in kilotons or megatons of TNT explosive energy.

One critical mass of Uranium-235 is ~100 pounds, one critical mass of Plutonium-239 is ~10 pounds. This varies significantly with configuration and type of reflector used. Bombs also typically contain ~100 pounds to over 1000 pounds of Uranium-238 as Tamper(s) and in fusion bomb radiation channel walls to guide x-rays between stages.

I cannot give exact figures as there are so many different warhead designs and details like that are classified Top Secret-Q.

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Q: How much uranium tons does a nuclear missile have?
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What size of nuclear bomb made with one ton of uranium?

Its really hard to say, the only nuclear bomb that might contain that much uranium (probably as depleted uranium) would be a hydrogen fusion bomb with a uranium tamper.Depending on many design features, it would probably weigh a bit under 2 tons and have a yield somewhere between 2 megatons and 20 megatons, most of that produced by fission of the uranium tamper.NO nuclear bomb could ever contain that much weapons grade uranium, as it would be so far beyond critical that it would simply melt in the factory as it was being assembled and kill anyone nearby with neutron and gamma radiation.

How much does a nuclear submarine weigh?

7,636 tons

Ubiquitous and unusual named after the 7th rock from the sun one lb of this nuclear fuel source is equivalent to 1500 tons of coal?


Ubiquitous unusual named after the 7Th rock from the sun one pound of this nuclear fuel source is equivelent to 1500 tons of coal you have to respect that?


How much miles of damage can a nuclear missile cause?

The explosion will only take up a square mile or two. The shockwave, will spread and destroy for several more miles. The real destruction is the nuclear fallout. Tons of radioactive matieral being scatered by the wind can spread hundreds of miles.

Is India a good producer of uranium?

This is taken from Wikipedia, about India and nuclear power Uranium used for the weapons program has been separate from the power program, using Uranium from indigenous reserves. This domestic reserve of 80,000 to 112,000 tons of uranium (approx 1% of global uranium reserves) is large enough to supply all of India's commercial and military reactors as well as supply all the needs of India's nuclear weapons arsenal. Currently, India's nuclear power reactors consume, at most, 478 metric tonnes of uranium per year. Even if India were to quadruple its nuclear power output (and reactor base) to 20GWe by 2020, nuclear power generation would only consume 2000 metric tonnes of uranium per annum. Based on India's known commercially viable reserves of 80,000 to 112,000 tons of uranium, this represents a 40 to 50 years uranium supply for India's nuclear power reactors (note with reprocessing and breeder reactor technology, this supply could be stretched out many times over). Furthermore, the uranium requirements of India's Nuclear Arsenal are only a fifteenth (1/15) of that required for power generation (approx. 32 tonnes), meaning that India's domestic fissile material supply is more than enough to meet all needs for it strategic nuclear arsenal. Therefore, India has sufficient uranium resources to meet its strategic and power requirements for the foreseeable future.

How many times greater was the radiation of Chernobyl than the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

TheChernobyl RB-MK type reactors contained around 140 tons of nuclear fuel up to 50 times more than an atomic bomb. An atomic bomb only contains Uranium 235 (Weapons grade Uranium) A Nuclear reactor uses fuel rods which contains the following. Uranium 235 (Neutron Density 99.3%) Uranium 238 (Neutron Density 0.7%) (Uranium used in nuclear reactors is enriched by 3.8%) And after Nuclear fission. Plutonium 239 Fission fragments from depleted Uranium. There are several ways to enrich uranium by filtering out Uranium 238 making it usable in warhead construction. 1. A Calutron (Uses magnetic attraction to separate Uranium 235 from Uranium 238) 2. A Gas Centrifuge (Uses a special kind of gas to separate Uranium 235 from Uranium 238) I cannot remember exactly but there are more ways than listed here so this is just to give a guideline.

How much uranium was mined in 2001?

Mining of uranium in 2001 totaled 1,300 tons, 15 percent less than 2000 and 45 percent less than 1998.

How much uranium is used in power plants?

A typical large power reactor will have approx 75 tons of uranium fuel with about 1/3 of this being changed every two years

How do we use uranium?

tens of thousands tons each year

How much coal has to be burned to produce the same amount of energy as is generated by a kilogram of uranium fuel pellet?

About 1500 tons of coal