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Colon cleansing or colonic irrigation involves flushing out the colon with water, sometimes mixed with herbs, fiber or supplements. The procedure is believed by some practitioners of alternative medicine to remove accumulations of stuck fecal matter from the walls of the large intestine. These accumulations are believed to putrify or rot in the intestine allowing parasites or toxins to cause a variety of symptoms and general ill-health. Colon cleansing is also alleged to enable significant and dramatic weight loss from the midsection. According to Stephen Barrett and others, it is considered quackery based on an obselete understanding of how the colon functions. The concept of decomposing stool causing disease originated in ancient Egypt. It was thought decomposition could get into the bloodstream causing fever and pus. The Ancient Greeks expanded on the idea and incorporated it into their humoral theory of medicine. Over time it became generalized into autointoxication (endogenic toxicosis) where the body naturally builds up endogenous waste and toxins it cannot fully dispose of, with a focus on intestinal autointoxication. This was orthodox doctrine up to the end of the 19th century, along with the purported benefits of colon cleansing. In the early 20th century it was discredited. The Mayo Clinic states that colon cleansing is unnecessary as the body naturally removes all waste material. Colon cleansing can disrupt the balance between bacteria and natural chemicals as well as the colon's ability to shed dead cells. Other reported complications include bowel or rectal perforations, infections, and heart attacks related to electrolyte imbalances. The frequent use of enemas or other colon cleansing tools may lead to dependence and an inability to defecate without assistance or withdrawal symptoms. Some herbs that are consumed for colon cleansing rather than taken through enema may also interfere with drug absorption and effectiveness. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate colonics, meaning claims made by supplement manufacturers are not scientifically verified. The FDA has issued several warning letters to practitioners and suppliers of equipment about making false claims of effectiveness, safety issues and quality control violations. The best way to help your colon is to drink plenty of water and exercise. Please do not waste your money on new fads like colon cleansing; they might help short term, but do you want to course your body more damage in the long term.

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