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Q: How much water in each vial was lost due to evaporation?
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How much irrigation water is lost to evaporation?

ruffly aboat 109

How much rain is lost each day due to evaporation?

1,ooo (ml)

How much water is lost to the atmosphere through evaporation?

The total amount of global evaporation is 48800 km3

What is the reason open canals are inefficient for irrigation in the desert?

Much of the water in the canal is lost to evaporation and to being absorbed by the soil and plants that line the canal.

When water is carried into fields in open irrigation ditches much of it is lost to?

Evaporation. A significant, but lesser amount, is also lost to percolation in the transfer ditches, unless they are lined with something impermeable, like concrete.

When water is carried into fields in open irrigation ditches much of it is lost to what?

Evaporation. A significant, but lesser amount, is also lost to percolation in the transfer ditches, unless they are lined with something impermeable, like concrete.

How does water evaporation relate to our day to day lives?

Evaporation produces much of the weather we see.

How much of the water cycle enters the atmosphere through evaporation?

The evaporation and condensation are in equilibrium at long term.

Why is evaporation and condensation important in the water cycle?

because that is how water is pretty much recycled

Do earths oceans gain or lose water considering evaporation and precipitation together if so how much?

if evaporation is considered part of precipitation it odes because precipitation causes evaporation

How does weather effect how much water evaporate?

Evaporation increase with the increase of temperature.

Why does it snow so much?

it is the cycle of the water system condensation, evaporation, precipitation