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if you're breeding them, 5-10 gallons. Other than that you shouldn't keep males and females together, they are almost certain to fight soon after meeting. Bettas are very very bad about sharing any amount of water, though groups of females can be kept together.

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Q: How much water would you need for a male and female betta?
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Related questions

How can a person tell if it is a female or a male betta?

Male betta's are more colorful then female's

What does it mean if your female betta killed your male betta?

Female beta is a murderer.

Is your Betta fish a male or female?


What is the longest a female betta should stay in with a male betta?

it depends i have a male with a female betta, in a 2.5 gallon tank,they get along, i wouldnt risk it, no

Why did my female betta or what I think is my female betta made a bubble nest when I moved her from my community tank to her own tank do I have a female betta or a short fin male?

If you would like to know what gender your betta is, look for the egg spot. (for females) It should be a small white cloud between the head and body. If your betta has one, it's a female. If your betta doesn't have one, it's a male.

How do you get betta eggs?

From a female Betta. Then the male Betta fertilizes them when they breed together.

How does a female betta get pregnant?

She breeds with a male Betta Fish.

Why would a male betta try to scare a female betta?

Either he is flaring to show off to the female, or he doesn't see the female as a good mate and is trying to chase her away.

Does the female betta look smaller than the male betta?

Under normal circumstances the female Betta looks and is smaller than the male in both body and finage.

Is there a way to prevent the male Betta fish from killing the female?

No because if a male betta is not atracked to the female they will try to reserve there territory

Can you put a female and male Betta fish in the same tank or bowl or will they fight to death?

It's best to only put male and female betta fish in the same tank/bowl if you are breeding them. If they are not breeding and they still stay in the same area, the male would most likely attack the female, so keep the female away! Also, if you are breeding betta fish, make sure to remove the female betta after she lays her eggs, as the male will care for them and chase the female away.

How do i know my betta is a female?

Your betta fish is a female if she has smaller fins than an average male.