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Walking a half mile is a great "little boost," but you're not going to lose any weight. Your weight, height, gender, exercise level and caloric intake are huge factors. If you walk a half mile to Dairy Queen...I mean, come weight loss. If you factor in a half a mile a day with proper diet and (additional exercise) you will lose weight....slowly. Good luck.

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Q: How much weight can a person lose in a half mile walk?
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Im walking 30 minute a day a mile and a half can you lose weight?

Depends on your calorie intake. You have to burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. 1 lb is approximately 3500 calories.

How much weight would you lose if you swam a mile?

it depnds

How long should it take to walk a mile to lose weight?

It take 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. On average running a mile will minus you about 100 calories or so.

How much fat is burned in one mile?

alot so lose weight fast

How much weight is lost while running?

The amount of weight you lose while running depends on the distance you travel. For an average person, in a mile, they lose 100 calories. For more information to answer anymore of your questions be sure to go through this website:

How long to run half a mile?

An average person can run one mile in 7 to 10 minutes, so take half of that time.

Is One - quarter mile a mile and a half?

No a quarter mile is half of a half mile.

What is a half of mile?

it is half of 5,280

What is the furthest half a mile or three fifth of a mile?

A half mile.

Who uses more energy a tall person walking one mile or short person walking 1 mile if both walk the mile in the same amount of time?

it depends on the weight of the each person. I will requre more energyto move the heavier person.

If you weighed 280 pounds how many calories could you burn in a mile how many miles would you have to walk to lose a pound?

approx 150 a mile with a body weight of 280. 3500 calories in a pound of fat and burning 150 per mile. 23.333 miles to lose a pound.

How many miles are in a half mile?

1/2 mile in a half mile.