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About 40 pounds but i wouldnt recommend eating 1000 calories it damages your organs in leads into death.

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Q: How much weight can you lose in 20 days eating 1000 calories a day?
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How much weight can i lose eating 1000 calories a day?

probably 1 every two days,if you exercise too.

How long would it take to lose 5 pounds and also eating 1000 calories a day?

if you eat about 1000-1200 calories and workout around 4 days and 2 hours then you should see the weight come off in 2 weeks!!(: -good luck

Can you lose weight by eating a lot and exercising?

It depends on your definition of "eating a lot." You should be eating more calories on days you exercise, but don't go too overboard. It's all about calories in, calories out. That means if you just go for a 30-minute walk, but eat 3,000 calories, probably will end up actually gaining weight.

Is eating under 1000 calories per day considered anorexia or an eating disorder?

A 2000 calorie a day diet is normal for the average adult. Anything less nay be trouble depending on the size, weight , height and age of the person. it wouldn't be a eating disorder if a small child ate 1000 calories a day. eating disorder are MENTAL ILLNESSES how much or how little one eats isn't really the disorder. No, just because someone eats less than 1000 calories doesnt mean they have an eating disorder, they could just be on a crash diet. eventually (usually within days or weeks) they will stop no harm done.

Can you lose more weight eating 100 calories daily and taking supplements and b12 shots and burning 1000 calories for 1 week than 6 weeks of 600 calories daily - or will you hurt yourself?

No, you're going to hurt yourself if you only eat 100 calories a day. The way to do it is to slowly decrease the amount of calories you have each day. For a few days eat 1500 calories..Then a few more days eat 1250...Slowly work your way down. A dramatic calorie change will result in fat (actually making you gain weight).

Is it bad to not eat for 3 days in a row?

yes, if you are trying to lose weight its not working, eating less than 30 calories a day will make you gain weight

Why can a 120 pound 5' 4 21-year-old woman not lose weight when burning 1000 calories per day 5 days per week via exercise and eating only 1400 calories per day?

Why do you want to lose weight, you are at the lower end of the weight range for your height? Your basal metabolic rate (the number of calories used just through living)at the age of 20 is around 1300 and you say you 'burn off' 1000 a day (total 2300 calories burned) and you only eat 1400. Therefore you should be losing weight. HOWEVER your body mass index is 20.6 which is to the lower end of the normal range (20-25)so you don't have much weight to lose. If you have been eating 1400 calories a day or less for a while this will have reduced you basal metabolic rate. Also, how is it possible you are 'burning off' 1000 calories, do you do 3 hours of high impact aerobics a day? One of your calorie estimations is wrong.

You exercise for an hour three days a week you eat clean Why are you not losing any weight?

You not only need to be eating "clean" or right, but you need to be cutting calories. Also, try exercising more. You need to burn 3,500 calories MORE than you consume to lose 1 solid pound of weight. Add in another 2 or 3 days of exercise, of a few daily walks or weight training to burn more calories to actually lose weight.

Will eating protein shake for 25 days increase weight?

If your calories are above maintenance yes.

If you intake 1000 calories a day how many calories do you need to burn?

In every case to lose weight, we need to burn more calories actually what we had consumed. If you want to lose 3kg in a month, you need to burn more than 1000calories. Any ways 1000 calories is not at all healthy to consume, by taking 1000 calories you can lose weight very fast in earlier days. But the weight all you are reducing from your muscle and water levels in your body. By consuming 1500-1700 calories also you can lose 3 kgs in a month. Try to add some more calories to your daily meals.

If you burn 1020 calories a day for 30 days how much weight would you lose?

This would depend on how many calories you consume over that same time period, what type of calories you are eating (fat, protein, carbs) and where the calories you are burning are coming from (fat stores, glycogen stores, muscle, etc.).A very basic and oversimplified example to make this point would be if you burn 1020 calories per day for 30 days, but you eat 1020 calories per day for the same 30 days, you would not likely lose any weight.A second example to make the point, if you burn 1020 calories per day for 30 days, but you eat 2000 calories per day, you will likely be gaining weight.Thus, to lose weight you must be eating less calories than you are burning each day.

What would happen if you didn't eat for 5 days?

You would collapse and gain more weight and when you do start eating u would double to amount of fat and calories in the food