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blood is pumped by a heart through vessels ....mean the volume of blood circulates faster (20 seconds in humans,

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Arjun Bednar

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: How often does the total volume of blood circulate through the system'?
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To circulate blood through the body.

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How do you benefit from the Circulatory System?

The main function of the Circulatory System is to circulate blood through your body. So the Circulatory System keeps you alive.

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The circulatory system is important because it moves blood through all parts of the body. It carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body and removes carbon dioxide and other waste materials.

Why does blood have to pass through the heart?

blood could not circulate through the body unless it passed through the heart.

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How is the circulatry system made up in a chicken?

Circulatry system circulate blood in the body

Why does the heart belong t the circulatory system?

circulatory means circulate. the heart pumps blood causing it to circulate which means its part if the circulatory system

What are the major functions of the circulotory system?

Circulate blood throughout your body