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I can only speak from my experience and I am sure each dr has his own schedule but I had an US at 8 weeks to determine due date and then another at 20 weeks. I am sure though if there were any complications or problems, you would get them more frequently. That is about right. If you are certain of your dates you may not have the early ultrasound. If you are having Downs syndrome etc checks you may have one at 12-13 weeks. Almost everyone has one at 18-20 weeks as this is the best time for spotting abnormalities in the skull, heart, kidneys etc. You would not normally have any more unless there were concerns that the baby was not growing properly. It also depends on your doctor & their beliefs & practices & whether or not you are a high risk pregnancy. I myself had 30 ultrasounds in a 37 week pregnancy, but I was extremely high risk!

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15y ago

A transvaginal ultrasound will show a fetus with a heartbeat as early as six weeks gestation (four weeks from conception.) Before that, all you may see is an egg sac. Routine ultrasounds are done around twenty weeks gestation to check the heart, spine, and other body functions.

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15y ago

You should only have two three ultrasounds in a normal pregnancy. One to determine how far along you are a second one to determine the sex of the baby and to check to make sure everything is developing okay and maybe a third one to check the position of the baby if can't be determined by the heart beat or just feeling around.

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14y ago

A pregnant woman should begin with an ultrasound at around 12-14 weeks. Some women may need to have an ultrasound earlier than that, if she develops problems such as bleeding, or has a history of miscarriages. After the first ultrasound, you may choose to go back a couple of weeks later to learn the sex of the baby, or to help determine the due date, and possible problems that may occur. Please note that not all insurance companies cover every ultrasound. They may only cover the first 3, and some may only cover a couple. You need to check with your insurance company, and check your policy. Most insurance companies will only cover this if it is really necessary If you just want to know the sex, wait till your next scheduled ultrasound, and just ask. You have to remember that this is considered a "test" and you have to have a valid reason for having it performed. But all in all, it just depends on the woman, and the situation for which she is in. Good Luck!

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Usually around five months (in most cases that is when they determine the sex of the baby) and maybe a second one once you are further along depending on your doctor.

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16y ago

Ultrasounds can be done as early as four to five weeks but are commonly done around eight weeks!

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10y ago

It depends on the woman's pregnancy on how many ultrasounds she should have. Most women only have 2 or 3. If a woman has a complicated pregnancy, she may need to have several more.

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Q: How often should a pregnant woman have a ultrasound?
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Most pregnant women get an ultrasound at the second trimester of pregnancy where the young fetus is most visible but it is possible to get an early ultrasound in case there may be any complications in early pregnancy.

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It has countless uses in medicine, but is most commonly used by the doctor to "see" a developing fetus in a pregnant woman.

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Ultrasound therapy is commonly used to check the heartbeat of a baby inside of a pregnant woman. It can also be used for finding tumors or other strange murmurs.

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That's up to the doctor's advice based on the circumstances of the pregnancy.