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It depends on what state you live in. In Alaska, you only need to be 14. In most states, you must be 15 and a half (to the day) or 15 and 8 months. A few states have actually made a new law stating you have to be 18. Just check on a DMV website for your state i guess.

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Q: How old do you have to be to get your perment to drive a car?
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Can you drive with no perment with your parent?

No u and ur parents will get in trouble and ur car will get impounded

Can a15 year old drive with a perment?

Driving permits are governed by State law.

After you get your license how old must you be to drive by yourself in RI?

if you have your licence you can drive by yourself but if u have your perment then u have to have someone with a licence there with you

What car should you get when you get your perment?

I would get a a sports bike

How old do you have to be when you get a workers perment?

you might have to be 14

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A 12 year old can drive a car in a car park but not on a public road!

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rotor core and shaft.

Can you drive a car?

um, i think you can actually drive a Car. what a question.

Can you drive a car in pokememon black and white?

No. Your character is not old enough to drive a car.

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the same age u have to drive a regular car

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Old enough to drive a car.

How old do you have to be to drive a car in Finland?

you must be 16 years old to drive in finland.