

How old must a person be to donate blood?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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In Australia. min 16 yrs.

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Q: How old must a person be to donate blood?
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Can a 15-year-old child donate blood?

Unfortunately not, you must be over the age of 18 before you are able to donate blood and/or plasma.

Can you be too old to donate blood?

The maximum age to donate blood is seventy five years old.

How old do you have to be to donate blood in the state of Indiana?

2012 you can be as young as 5 years old to donate blood from Indiana says the guy who made you read this

How old do you need to be to donate blood in Texas?

It depends on the organization. Mostly, it's fine to donate blood if you are 17 and have a parent permission slip signed.

How old do you you have to be to donate blood in CT?

18 years of age. Also you need to have appropriate levels of haemoglobin in blood and weight.

How old do you have to be to donate your blood?

The state you live in determines the age, I believe, but it is generally 18 years old. you have to be 18 or older

How old do you have to be in the state of Illinois to donate blood?

17 years old and 100 pounds. But usually there are other criteria and questionaires you have to answer.

Can a living 12 year old donate a liver?

No I believe that u have to be at least 18, like donating blood. But definitely no 12.

How old do you have to be to donate blood?

17 years oldWith parental consent, blood can be donated at age 17. Without parental consent blood can be donated at age 18. In case of specialized donations, blood can be taken at any age, however smaller quantities may be taken from a young child.

What is replacement blood donation?

Replacement blood donations are usually requested by blood collection facilities following the use of blood components by a patient. This will help assure adequate blood components are available to the community when needed.

Who can't donating blood?

Anyone under 16 years old and who doesn't meet the minimum height and weight requirements for each sex cannot donate blood. For example, men must be at least 5'1" and weigh more than 130 pounds. Women must be at least 5'5" and weigh at least 150 pounds. You cannot donate if you are not in good health, even having just a phlemy cough makes you ineligible.

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