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Capicorn and cancer are complete opposites. Attraction is strong, but neither will be able to understand the other. Unless they have great synastry

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Q: How perfect of a match is a Capicorn and a Cancer?
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What is a best match for capicorn?

Very good match: Virgo and Taurus Good match: Scorpio and Pisces So-so: Cancer. Opposites attract...but beware!

What is the perfect match for cancer?


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Cancer's perfect love matches are either Scorpio or Pisces.

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== == == ==

What is the tropic of capicorn?

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What is the importance of the tropic of cancer and capicorn?

The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are the most northern and southern latitudes on Earth where the sun can be seen directly overhead.

What is the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capicorn?

The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are the most northern and southern latitudes on Earth where the sun can be seen directly overhead.