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More people using public transportation since that would make there be less cars on the road, reducing our carbon monoxide emissions. Also, more people could take a caravan (drive with others) to work for the same reason.

Other ways to reduce:

1. Reduce the use of cars --- Your car is a significant source of air pollution, so switching to a more gas-efficient vehicle will be a big help. Taking public transport to work rather than driving will reduces the number of carbon dioxide into the air.

2. Reduce Waste --- Manufacturing of unnecessary or disposable goods often produces air pollution, so reduced purchasing of disposables will help. In general, follow the solid waste mantra - "Reduce, Reuse, Repair, And Recycle" - and this will reduce air pollution as well from transporting, treating, or disposing of unnecessary wastes.

3. Eliminate Toxic Chemical Use at Home --- A surprising number of household or home shop chemicals are toxic and volatile. Many release vapors into the air, inside the home and out. This can be serious health threat to your family, and contributes to community-wide levels of air pollutants.

5. No Burn Barrels --- Northeast Wisconsin communities need to pass and enforce ordinances prohibiting individuals or businesses from burning trash in their back yards. This type of uncontrolled burning is extremely polluting, especially when many people are doing it. When trash is burned incompletely and at relatively low temperatures, a great deal of soot and ash is produced. Many plastics, coatings, inks, paints, metals and treated woods will produce toxic chemical air pollutants such as dioxin, lead, arsenic, chromium, etc.

6. Plant leafy trees and shrubs --- Deciduous trees and shrubs (the kinds that drop leaves in the fall) are excellent air filters to help reduce smog and cool the air on hot summer days.

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Q: How pollution can be minimized?
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