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the baby can get ruebella

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Q: How severe is chickenpox in pregnancy?
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What does zovirax do for chickenpox?

Like other vaccines, the chickenpox vaccine prevents children from contracting the virus that causes chickenpox. Chickenpox is harmless to most children but can be deadly and can lead to the disease shingles later in life.

what does Chickenpox mean?

Mild means not very severe or serious.

What does mild chickenpox mean?

Mild means not very severe or serious.

How can chickenpox affect a fetus if the mother contracts it in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy?

If a woman contracts varicella (chickenpox ) during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, there is a 2% chance that her newborn will have varicella syndrome.

Im pregnant and you might have chickenpox but you dont have the symptoms could it be something else?

Chickenpox and pregnancy are two different sickness all together.

If you had chickenpox before can you get them again?

Any outbreak of chickenpox creates immunity in a healthy person. A severe outbreak doesn't make a person more immune than a mild outbreak.

What is a milder version of chickenpox called?

There is no special medical term for a mild case of chickenpox. Shingles is the term for a recurrence of chickenpox that is usually covering a small area of the body; however, the symptoms may be different and, in some ways, more severe. Shingles isn't considered a milder version of chickenpox.

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Can you have severe pains in the womb as early signs of pregnancy?


How do you overcome pregnancy pains?

As long as the pains are normal and not too severe you can take a pregnancy-safe painkiller, such as Tylenol, but NOT aspirin or Advil. Severe pains are a reason to call your doctor immediately.

What can pregnant women do to avoid rubella or chickenpox?

All non-immune women of childbearing age should be vaccinated against rubella and chickenpox before pregnancy. Pregnant women should be tested for immunity to rubella at their first prenatal visit.

What is the goal of treatment in chickenpox?

For most people, the treatment given in chickenpox is meant to make the patient more comfortable until the immune system helps the illness resolve. For a few people, treatment may be required to reduce the risk of severe complications.