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A carnivore's teeth are long, sharp and pointed. These are tools that are useful for the task of piercing into flesh. Herbivore teeth are flat, which allows them to grind food before swallowing it.

Carnivore - meat (flesh) eater

Herbivore - plant eater

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12y ago

Herbivores(grass eaters) don't have sharp teeth like carnivores(meat eaters). Carnivores have sharper teeth so they can cut through meat easier. Herbivores have flat teeth that they use to grind up grasses and vegitation. Humans have both kind of teeth. we have canine teeth, used for cutting, and flatter teeth used for grinding.

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Q: How teeth are different in plant eating and flesh eating animals?
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How plant eating animals are different from flesh eating animals?

The flesh eating animals are carnivores, the plant eating animals are called herbivores. Carnivores depend on the nutrients in meat and flesh, while the herbivores depend on the nutrients in plants. The carnivores have teeth that were made for tearing and ripping flesh, while herbivores have teeth that were made for crushing plants.

How are the teeth of flesh-eating animal different from that of a plant-eating animals?

flesh eating carnivore animals are generally sharper as they rip off flesh of a animal and the plant eating animals herbivores teeth are blunter as they just eat plants their teeth are also flat so they can grind the food before swallowing

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Animals which are carnivorous have canine teeth. The human canine teeth are the sharp pointy one that are exaggerated on vampires. Plant eating animals will in general lack these specialized teeth. Look for flat buck-like teeth on plant-eaters and sharp teeth on meat-eaters. The teeth. Meat-eating animals have sharp, pointy teeth so as to rip flesh. Plant-eaters have bigger, blunter teeth so as to grind up plants. Onmivores (Eaters of both plants and meat) have both.

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It's a plant-eater (herbivore)

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Rabbits are herbivorous; plant eaters.

Plant-eating animals such as cows are?

Plant-eating animals are generally considered herbivores.

What is carnivores herbivores and omnivores?

Herbivores are plant eating animals Carnivores are meat eating animals Omnivores are meat and plant eating animals

How do the plant eating animals and meat eating animals use their teeth?

the same way we do....

What ducks eat plant or flesh?

Ducks are omnivores - they eat small fishes and frogs, as well as grasses. So yes, they are flesh eating animals. See the Related Link listed below for more information:

What is the scientific name for a plant-eating animal?

Plant eating animals are herbivores or said to be herbivorous

How do you get the animals on sims African animals?

The animals automatically come to you. Plant-eating animals come if you have enough plant and grasses for them. The meat-eating animals come to you also. But only if you have enough food for them. (Warning, meat-eating animals only eat animals that eat plants.)

What the name of a plant eating animals?
