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The weaver birds build their nests in large colonies, and are ball shaped, with the opening to the nest at the bottom.

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Q: How the weaver birds nest can protect them?
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How many species of weaver birds are there?

The weaver bird is a small bird native to Africa that is related to finches. Some weaver birds build rather large, elaborately woven nests (thus the name 'weaver bird') while others nest parasitically meaning they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and the other birds raise the weaver bird chicks. Weaver birds are normally gregarious and they nest together in colonies.

When weaver bird make their nest?

Weaver birds usually make their nest when they're looking for a mate. So in their juvenile years.

How does a nest home protect the birds?

Most of the time a birds nest is camoflaged in a tree or other place where the bird and there young cant be seen!

Are any of the Angry Birds girls?

Most of the birds are girls because they protect the eggs in the nest.

What material does weaver use to build their nest?

Weaver birds use a variety of plant materials to build their nests, including strips of grass, leaves, twigs and roots.

Why do birds build nests?

why do all birds build nest

What can be done to protect birds?

The biggest and most important thing is to provide suitable habitats, and protect wetlands, where many wading birds and waterfowl nest.

How do you handle birds that swoop down at you to protect their nest?

A tennis raquet is very good.

What do weaver birds eat?

Weaver birds eat snakes and worms.

What Bird Stiches Its Nest?

The Weaver Bird.

Does the male or female Eastern bluebird protect the nest and how?

They both do. They will scare other birds away by peck at them or charging them.

Should i protect a birds nest outside our bedroom window from the rain and how?

No, you should leave the nest alone. Wild birds are very skittish around humans, treating humans as predators, and may abandon the nest if the scent of a human becomes too close. This would result in any eggs already laid in the nest also being abandoned and dying. The birds that built the nest either expect the nest to be protected from the rain or are adapted to sitting out the rain on the nest.