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After you have washed your hair and it is damp, you put lemon juice on your hair and leave it on. To activate the lemon juice you need to go out into the sun so it is best to go on holiday to a hot country before you do this or it is pointless and just makes you hair smell nice and attract flies ;) good luck x

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Q: How to get blonder hair naturally?
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How do you make your hair naturally blonder?

Get plenty of sun.

Does lemon juice make blonde hair blonder?

yes lemon juice does make your hair blonder because the sun rays are attracted to the lemon substance.

Why do hair turn blonder during summer?

Our hair gets blonder during summer because of the sun. If you are out in the sun a lot, there is a chemical reaction between your hair and the sun, which creates a blond appearance.

Do Norwegian people tend to have blonder hair and blue eyes?

Yes !

How can you make your hair blonder natural?

lemon juice? and use V05 shampoo

Can leave go blonder conditioner in your hair overnight to make it really blonde?

I guess! Depends what hair color you have!

Can you turn a child's strawberry blonde or reddish hair blonder by using lemon juice?


Does putting lemons in my hair and sittin in the sun make it blonder?

Yes it does! My skin color is a light tan and i have naturally dirty blonde hair; but in the summer it goes very very light blonde if i go out side a lot or go to the pool or beach. So the answer is YES! :)

What does it mean if your hair is black and you have one piece of red hair?

its just like highlights! when brown hair gets blonder highlights, black hair tends to get reddish brown highlights.

Is John Frieda's Go Blonder Permanent?

For the best results use daily or everytime you wash your hair.

How do you make your hair naturally curly?

Well... If you were not born with naturally curly hair, You will never have naturally curly hair.

Does blow drying hair with bleach in it make it blonder?

I don't know but I wouldn't try it. Sounds like a recipe for dead, dry disaster-hair!