

How was Abraham Lincoln a executive chief?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: How was Abraham Lincoln a executive chief?
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The US Constitution is the "rule of the land". It established three branches of the Federal Government: the judicial, the legislative, and the executive (President). Abraham was elected as the Chief Executive (President) in November 1860.

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What did Abraham Lincoln do in the civil war and when?

He was Commander in chief!

Did us grant know Abraham Lincoln?

Yes. Lincoln was his commander-in-chief.

Lincoln years as chief executive?

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in November of 1860. His first term was from 1861-1865. His second term started in 1865 but was short-lived because of his assassination on April 14, 1865.

What position was Abraham Lincoln in the civil War?

Abraham Lincoln was President of the USA at the time of the civil war and as such he would have been Commander in Chief.

What was Abraham Lincoln's rank at the end of the civil war?

Commander in Chief.

When considering the wartime leadership of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis a central irony emerges in that?

Abraham Lincoln brought little political experience to his presidency yet rose to the occasion to become a masterful leader, whereas Jefferson Davis, a seasoned politician, proved to be a relatively ineffectual chief executive.

What was Lincoln's place in the US Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln, as President, was commander-in-chief of the Union forces.

What rank was Abraham Lincoln during the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln was president during the entire war. As president, he was Commander-in-Chief of the union army and navy.